Making nourishment attainable & sustainable by leaning into our God given femininity and teaching you how to do the same


Everyone has a spirit, soul and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23) and you can do everything right in the natural but if your spirit is dead or disconnected from God, you won’t see lasting results. We must first deal with the spiritual side of things if we intend to truly heal.


Your mind, will and emotions are your soul realm. They are all signals created by God that can be influenced by either Life or death. It is our responsibility to renew our mind to the Word of God in order to be beneficial in His Kingdom.


Our bodies are our physical being. These are created by God in His likeness, supernaturally formed out of dust and God breathed. We can most certainly see this when looking into how our bodies function. Living in a fallen world, our bodies, like the soul realm are influenced by death. As born again believers we have been born back into God's original design described in Genesis 1, back into the Kingdom that Adam lost.

Hi, we're Sarah and Samantha!

sisters, born 3 years apart, we grew up homeschooled and have entered many life seasons around the same time including adulthood, marriage and one day probably having children. We have both been overwhelmed by the hustle of health culture, like its expensive and unsustainable club to be apart of. We determined that we wanted to change the narrative for our own families. When we learned that true health was something we could reach, we wanted to share what we learned. We changed our thinking, the Kingdom and all its benefits are at hand, they're within reach.